Marcie Boucouvalas, Ph.D., is Professor Emerita of Human Development and Adult Learning and Human Resource Development at Virginia Tech/National Capital Region. A resident faculty member since 1980, she continues to serve as external examiner for dissertations as well as for on site program reviews in a variety of countries. Her decades of contributions to the field of adult education have included theory and research, as well as grass roots action within a variety of institutional contexts, in geographically diverse areas, in urban and rural settings, and with a myriad of populations, special interest groups, and diverse cultures. She releases others’ energies in ways that helps them find their own voice and path, and has brought vision and visibility of the adult education field onto the radar screen of other disciplines.
Dr. Boucouvalas’ scholarship, research, leadership, and publications have focused on the international arena, including specialties in the history of lifelong and adult learning in Greece and adult development and learning with an emphasis on transformational issues of the individual and society. Accordingly, she serves on the editorial boards of an array of journals (e.g., Adult Learning, Adult Education Quarterly, Journal of Transformative Education, Educational Reflective Practice (Italy), Andragogical Studies (half English/half Serbo-Croatian). With a special focus on transpersonal development, she also serves as editor of The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (2002 to the present). She has authored numerous refereed publications, book chapters and books or edited volumes, including the forthcoming Metamorphosis through Conscious Living: A transpersonal psychology approach, co-edited with two international colleagues (from Germany and Greece).
With integrity and deep devotion to human rights, Dr. Boucouvalas has been influential in responding to and serving the needs of many diverse professional groups. A few of her leadership roles include her current role as Vice President for North American of the International Council for Adult Education, Past President of the Coalition of Lifelong Learning Organizations (for which she remains a Board Member), and Immediate Past Director of the Commission for International Adult Education of AAACE (American Association for Adult and Continuing Education). She was also inducted into Phi Beta Delta, the Honor Society for International Scholars, and into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame for which she subsequently served two 3-year terms on the Board. During 2012 she was selected as a Fulbright Scholar to Greece, researching Adult Learning (broadly defined) for Societal Development. She is continuing this line of research in following the lives of those living in and with the economic crisis in the country and how they are navigating life and learning to live with uncertainty. Subsequent to her award, she also served the Fulbright committee in reviewing proposals from prospective applicants. In addition, she is listed in 15 biographical reference publications.
For her contributions on local, national, and international levels she has been recognized with awards such as the Phi Delta Kappa Distinguished Academic Service Award and the Golden Key Award, from the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education the Outstanding Service Medallion for teaching, research, service to the field over a sustained period of time, the President’s Award for “Exemplifying Outstanding Contributions to the Association and Profession in International Spheres,” and many others.
Over the years, she has frequently served as delegate from the USA to UNESCO Assemblies on Adult Learning and Higher Education as well as to the World Assemblies of the International Council for Adult Education